Stone and Tile

Exotic natural stone surfaces help you achieve unique decorating choices. One needs only to look at some of the world’s most exclusive resorts-many of them in tropical Southeast Asia – to see the exotic visual appeal of stone. 

Your Source for Exotic Stone Materials

Hyperion Imports has focused on refining the highest grade of natural stone materials found in the volcanic islands of southeast Asia for use in extraordinary building projects: natural stone swimming pools, exotic stone water features, natural stone cladding or stone art features.

With warehouses in Florida and Indonesia, Hyperion can meet their clients demand for exotic stone materials. Hyperion offers many of these unique stone surfaces in either split-face or calibrated smooth finishes. Rough-hewn split-face stone finishes can be particularly effective in swimming pools and as wall surfaces, where they provide a naturalistic look. Most stone is also available as tile or bricks, Hyperion can also custom-cut large pieces for applications such as slab counter tops and stone bathtubs cut from a single stone or block of marble.

Among Hyperion’s offerings are:

  • Kuning Yogya – a dense yellow limestone
  • Palimanan “mas rambut” (meaning “golden hair”) – dense limestone with golden, hair-like streaks
  • Hijau Batu – a green stone tile, it is a dramatic and practical way to enhance swimming pools and water features
  • Merah Batu – a red stone. Like our other stone tiles and bricks, it can be split face or calibrated
  • Pacitan – a dense green slate-type stone-ideal for pools and floor surfaces
  • Black Lava Rock– these tiles make a bold statement wherever they are used




Indonesian Marble – Nature’s Work of Art

Hyperion Imports also provides the finest grade of exotic Indonesian marble. Our company has for many years exclusively represented premier marble quarries in Indonesia, producing and importing the finest marble floor tiles, marble bricks, custom sinks, bathtubs, and hand-carved moldings, tiles and wall motifs.

Choose uniform color tiles, or work from their selection to produce unique patterns. Hyperion’s manufacturing facility in Indonesia also offers beautiful brass accents, which can be inlaid in your natural stone floor or wall surface to produce a stunning look.

Decorative Pebble Stone

Make a striking architectural statement in your home with pebble stone tiles or pavers from Hyperion International. Smooth pebbles are collected and sorted by stone type, color, and size and permanently applied to a tough interwoven backing to create each tile. These tiles are designed to interlock seamlessly to create a perfect covering for a wide range of applications.

Choose from a broad palette of colors from cream or beige, to greens, reddish hues, rich black, or even speckled. All colors are completely natural – no coloring of any type is used.

Durable as well as beautiful, these pebble stone tiles are perfect for applications including: Swimming pools, pool copings, pool decks, pillars or wall coverings – indoors or out – walkways or driveways, bathroom floors, showers or tub surrounds, decks and floors.